Friday, January 3, 2014

That's Not A Snowy Owl...

I headed out in search of the not-so-elusive snowy owl the other day. After driving around Biddeford Pool for over an hour searching for any sign of our new Arctic neighbors, I pulled up alongside a plumber with a wonderful, salt and pepper, handlebar moustache climbing into his truck. “Where are the owls!?” I pleaded. He laughed and told me they were indeed along Mile Stretch Road, the road I had been cruising. He said to look on chimney tops and on the ice between the road and the water. Also, look for other photographers with tripods and big lenses. Right. Other photographers.

I headed back down Mile Stretch Road and came upon a couple of guys lined up with their tripods. My 200mm zoom looked embarrassingly small next to their 800mm lenses. It turns out one of the guys was a friend of mine. He let me put my camera on his 800mm to get a closer look. Wow. There he was. A beautiful snowy owl tucked in among large chunks of ice. I finally had my shot. My life was complete.

But first, here are my 'these are not snowy owls' photos

Not a snowy owl.

Nope, no snowy owls here.

Negative, just a long road with some colorful houses.

On the rooftops?

Not these.

Nice reflection, still no owl.

Perhaps on that roof?

A nice winding road shot. No owls.

Wait, is that …?

Yes, yes! I think it is...

It is! It is! 

A snowy owl!

My life is complete.